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All You Need To Know About Wholesale Lingerie

Wholesale lingerie is lingerie tagged with a lower price compared with other lingerie of the same kind. The discount may be minimal or very large, depending on the product, store or seller. This includes such undergarments as bras, panties, gowns, camisoles, and garter belts. In fact, the selection of wholesale lingerie varies from one boutique to another. Wholesale lingerie is usually a package or set of lingerie which can be worn at one time. In some cases, they are a set of the same kind of lingerie. Other packages include a whole set of lingerie which are different in styles yet similar in material.

Companies may offer wholesale lingerie for the rest of the year. In this case, only a few products from their catalog fall under the category of wholesale category. This may be because such lingerie are already an old stock. They may also offer them a number of wholesale lingerie if they're still a starting boutique. Discounts such as this is always a good way to attract customers to try products for the first time. This is also an effective way to establish a company's name among its target market.

Wholesale lingerie may also be offered for a certain period of time. In most cases they are sold as part of major sales of boutiques. Again, the purpose for selling them in wholesale price may be to get rid of old stock right away. In some cases, sellers, especially individual ones, sell wholesale lingerie because them have some form of damage. The damage is often minimal but there is no way of telling whether they are big or small unless you see them for yourself. That is why sellers must provide exact details about their wholesale lingerie. If any damage is present, they must state this in their ad to avoid mishaps in negotiations.

Article is contributed by the Editor from Lingerie-Supplies.com